Sunday, August 1, 2010

Total Honesty

Okay, I believe that in order to make self improvements one needs to be honest with themselves. I also believe we can always improve at least 1 thing at a time in our lives. So I'm going to state it right now for all to see!

My Desires:

I have a strong desire to be a great wife and an energetic mom. Have dinner made and sitting on the table by 6 p.m. every night. I want my laundry hampers to never have the same clothes in them for longer than a week. I want to be a frugal woman who saves her family money every month so we can get out of debt and build up a financial reservoir to support my husband and I in our golden years filled with missions, travel and service.

Now to the truth I have finally come to tell myself is this:

1 - I'm constantly tired.

Four amazing children are the primary reason for my lack of sleep the last 11 years of my life! LOL! I'm going to tackle the 8 hours of sleep a night later on. I can only do so much! Maybe the work outs I'm doing 5-6 days a week will help build up my energy.

2 - I need to loose 58 more pounds to be at my healthy goal weight.

I know I can do this in 58 weeks (September 12, 2011). 1 pound a week is the goal. The rules: Never allow myself to gain weight. I will maintain or lose at least 1 pound a week. See my healthy living section for how I'm doing this.

3 - Our family is in serious debt.

I am waking up to this reality now. I've known we had debt, but now I'm realizing it's impact on our family. Thankfully, my husband has an income that can pay all our monthly bills right now. But should the unthinkable happen, we would be in serious trouble very quickly.

4 - Planning ahead for dinner can save money! Who knew!

Planning ahead for dinner means I have to know what we'll be eating before 4 p.m. LOL!! Then I can actually make some good food AND have all the ingredients I need actually in my house!


Anyone with at least 1 child knows that for some reason, clean laundry is always mixed in with the dirty laundry and then has to be cleaned again without ever having been worn! Someday, a laundry fairy might be able to explain that to me as she does a few of the billions of loads of laundry I'll have to do before this life is over! LOL!

The Plan
So here's the plan. I'm going to publicly display what goals I'm setting and how I'm doing. Since it's past 11 p.m. and I did mention number 1 was being tired all the time, I'd better save my goals to improve my totally honest self for another day.

I hope you enjoy following and learning from my mistakes or triumphs and find things that may or may not work for you along the way.

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