Healthy Living

I confessed that I had a lot of weight to lose. I said I would tell you how in a later post. Well here it is. In March of 2010 my sister called and asked if I wanted to join her in a 12 week health challenge hosted by her friend.

The Challenge:

In this challenge we have 4 teams of 10 people. Each team member pays $30.00 to the host before the challenge starts. The money is used for rewards at the end of the challenge. Who gets rewards: Person with the highest percentage of weight loss, the person with the most inches lost and the person with the highest personal points, and the rest of the money is divided equally between the team members of the team with the highest points for all 12 weeks.

The Point System:

Each person is responsible for these personal points:

Points per day:
  1. 5 Fruits and Vegetables = 3pts OR at least 3 of them vegetables = 4pts
  2. No Eating after 9 p.m. = 2 points per day
  3. Drink 48 oz or more of water per day = 2 points.
  4. No Sweets = 5 points (You are allowed 1 free treat per week! Not deprivation, but moderation... ahhh! That's the key!)
  5. Exercise = 30 min. = 5 points OR 45 minutes = 7 points (6 days a week - you need to rest your body 1 day a week.)
  6. Contact at least 1 team member = 1
  7. A bonus challenge that changes each week totaling a possible 35 points (usually 5 points per day we do the challenge.
The first challenge my husband and I joined together. I lost 13 pounds in 12 weeks. An average of just over 1 pound per week. That is the best way to lose (1 to 2 pounds per week). I intend to never see this weight again. We had 4 weeks before the next challenge, which I just finished the first week of this challenge. I continued to lose as long as I continued to do the above list of things (- the bonus challenge of course). I lost the first three weeks and on the third week between sessions, I missed 3 of my 6 workouts getting the girls to summer camp and being a little under the weather. I also had a few too many treats. I had been keeping to the 1 a week, but I celebrated a bit with the boys and my hubby when the girls were gone for a few days. As a result, I gained the three pounds I had lost the week before back. Yikes! It was the first time I had gained any weight back since I started losing in April. Oh-well, I still had kept off the 13 pounds from challenge. Plus 2 more before crazy week, so a total of 15 pounds down, 62 to go.

Thankfully I'm back on a team and starting the second week.

Here is the original post:   Fire it up Red Team


Monday, August 23, 2010

Down 18 - 58 more to go!

Yeah!!! This week I was a little upset because I hadn't lost anything last week. I'm not expecting huge results, just 1 pound a week. Unfortunately despite my working out extra long and hard, I hadn't lost any pounds. It was probably due to my being much hungrier with the harder workouts. So be careful not to fall into the trap of working out like crazy and eating like crazy to keep up your strength. I didn't do any super long workouts this week and my appetite wasn't as ferocious. So it was better that I injured myself this week and had to slow down. This weeks bonus challenge in my Wellness Challenge is to keep a food journal and SHARE IT with a team member. That changes how you look at your plate! It's a good thing.


 Monday, August 16, 2010

Poster: Eliminate Food Distractions: Prepare Dish and Sit to Eat!

POSTER - Eliminate Food Distractions! Sit to Eat!